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Age-Friendly and Livable Communities

Age friendly, or livable communities, support people of all ages, are safe and secure, offer access to affordable and suitable housing, include transportation options, have accessible services and supports, value and respect all voices, and foster an environment where people can make a lifelong home.

UCOA Policy Position:

UCOA recognizes the value of livable communities and supports their creation and development by engaging government and community leaders, and advocating for policies, funding, and services so that Utahns have desirable and affordable choices to stay in their homes and communities.


A website dedicated to helping you find age-friendly resources in any area of the United States. You can find places to live, places to get health care and places to work.

AARP Livable Communities

A network for towns, villages, townships, boroughs, cities, counties and states to join and be educated about how they can make their community more age friendly.

WHO Age-Friendly World

A worldwide organization, led by global experts, that teaches and learns from other countries citizens about how to implement the best age-friendly practices in your living area.

Administration for Community Living

A website dedicated to providing resources and information about advancing independence and inclusion of older adults and people with disabilities.


Research and Education


Public Policy

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Last Updated: 4/17/24