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Master Plan for Aging (MPA)

Utah Master Plan for Aging (Utah MPA)

The Utah Commission on Aging (UCOA) collaborators and partners welcome you to “Utah for the Ages”, a master plan for aging (MPA) across the adult lifespan. This road map helps guide state and local governments, agencies, public and private businesses, and the general public to prepare and successfully navigate the challenges and opportunities of aging in an ever-changing demography.

The MPA informs policy, programs, and funding decisions that will empower Utahns to live their best lives by applying innovative and informed solutions to meet our individual and collective needs as we age. It is a dynamic document that will measure impact utilizing key indicators of core long and short-term social impact goals. Annual reporting of key indicators will be available on this website.

Utah’s MPA incorporates guidelines provided by the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) including state leadership commitment, rational data-driven analysis, comprehensive scope of issues, stakeholder inclusiveness, and measurable outcomes. The selected social impact priorities are a result of collaborative input and current research. Recommended strategies build upon current program successes and learnings, address critical needs and gaps, and identify future opportunities for systemic savings and elimination of redundancies to transform the way aging is experienced in Utah.

Utah's MPA is for older adults currently living through the second half of life, for younger generations who may live longer lives than their forebears, and for the communities of all ages that encircle our lives: families, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and partners in care. 

We invite everyone to continue to visit the Utah MPA home website and other resources at and share feedback and input to inform our mutual journey.

The Utah MPA calls on all Utahns engaged in policy, academia, and community services to build a Utah for all Ages. To create and promote partnerships that promote healthy and equitable aging, reduce social isolation, improve financial security, support care partners and resource coordination, encourage advance care planning, defeat ageism, build age-friendly communities, and embrace technology and innovation.


Overview of the Master Plan for Aging (Utah MPA)

View the Full Utah MPA Draft

Full Plan Draft

Governors Letter

Center for Health Care Strategies Collaborative


Other State Plan Samples

Other Plans



Last Updated: 10/10/24