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Diverse Communities

Diverse Communities

Not only is the U.S. population growing older, but it is also growing more diverse. In the coming years, people of color will make up 1 in 3 older Americans, and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older population will double in size to at least 4 million ( This increase is a demographic shift that we need to be prepared for, and necessitates a focus on the needs of older adults within Utah’s diverse communities.

UCOA Policy Position:

UCOA envisions Utahns embracing and supporting diversity within their communities. This support comes in the form of education, advocacy, interpersonal interactions, community groups, and decreasing stigma relating to diverse populations. UCOA advocates for legislation and public policy that will focus on the needs of a culturally and linguistically diverse aging population and address some of the biggest challenges facing diverse elders such as economic security, poor health/health care access, and barriers to accessing services.


Seniors Out and Proud

Website that supports the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ elderly persons over 50.

Diverse Elders Coalition

Website that advocates for policies and programs that improve aging in our communities as racially and ethnically diverse people.

National Indian Council on Aging

A nonprofit organization focused on aging American Indian and Alaska Native elders.


Research and Education

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Public Policy

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Last Updated: 7/26/24