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Food Security

Food security can often be a challenge for older adults living on fixed incomes. A person experiences food security when they have reliable access to a sufficient amount of affordable, and nutritious food.

In 2019, 5.2 million older adults experienced food insecurity, the opposite of being food secure.  People of color are disproportionately impacted by food insecurity. Poverty is also a factor. Food insecurity impacts nutrition and health and is a cause and consequence of poor health. Older adults with chronic conditions, including depression, asthma, and diabetes often experience food insecurity.

Feeding America

UCOA Policy Position:

The Utah Commission on Aging, UCOA, affirms that all community members should have access to affordable and nutritious food. UCOA works closely with state and local government leaders and legislators, advocating, educating, and informing about many social risks that impact older adults, including food insecurity.



Research and Education


Public Policy

Last Updated: 3/15/23