Learn to Reduce Your Risk of Dementia
Learn to Reduce Your Risk of Dementia
- Physical activity has been proven to improve brain health and function
- Activity doesn't need to be formal or use fancy equipment. Walk, play pickle ball, use the stairs instead of elevator. Get up and move two minutes out of every hour or a minimum of 150 minutes per week
- Cognitive decline (precursor to dementia) is twice as common in those who are not active
- Even performing chores like cleaning, cooking and yard work can reduce dementia by 21%
Staying Connected
- Call a friend of family member, talk about what is on your mind.
- Go to restaurants and sporting events, play bingo, volunteer or provide community service
- Participate in a religious or community group.
- Go exploring with friends or family
- Meeting up with friends and family can reduce dementia risk by 15-70%
- Reduce your intake of sugar and salt.
- Hydrate with health fluids like water or sugar free juices.
- Eat more omega-3 fatty acids like fish, veggies and nuts.
- Studies suggest the Mediterranean and DASH diets wrok best, you can combine them (MIND diet).
- Healthy eating can help manage or lower the risk of other diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. It can also reduce your risk of cognitive decline or dementia. Some studies suggest a healthy diet can reduce dementia risk by up to 53%
An Active Brain
- Learn something new everyday.
- Choose different routines or different routes to familiar places.
- Use your non-dominate hand when doing a task (ex: left hand if you're a rightly).
- Learn a new hobby
- Teach someone to play your favorite game and learn theirs
- Learn a new language
- An active, challenged brain can reduce your dementia risk by 29% according to the ACTIVE Study.
Manage Chronic Diseases
- According to the CDC, 95% of individuals who have dementia also have at least one chronic condition.
- There is a heart to brain connection. This means things that are healthy or harmful for your heart are also healthy or harmful for your brain.
- One-third of adults in the U.S. have high blood pressure (hypertension). The blood vessels in your brain are more vulnerable to damage from high blood pressure, stroke, and other diseases that can thicken or narrow arteries and blood vessels.
- Your risk of dementia increases by nearly 60% if you have high blood pressure between the ages of 35 and 44.
- Diabetes can also increase your risk for dementia. High glucose levels (blood sugar) can damage your cells and blood vessels, including those in your brain. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can damage the hippocampus (memory center of the brain). Insulin increases the build-up of proteins in the brain called amyloid plaques, which are associated with Alzheimer’s disease dementia, and is also involved with forming tau (the tangles associated with Alzheimer’s).
- Here is a list of chronic conditions by CMS.