Utah Commission on Aging
What is Utah's Commission on Aging?
Utah Governor’s Commission established by statute to prepare Utahns, businesses, and policy makers about the impact of aging. Here you will find statutory requirements, appointed members and community partner profiles, meeting schedules and archive, and annual reports to the Governor and Utah Legislature.
Appointed Members
Governor appointments by statute to assure older adult stakeholders are represented with expertise and diversity reflective of Utah.
Resource Specialists
Directory of older adult specialists engaged in policy, education, research, or delivery of services who promote the UCOA collaborative effort and are available as educational speakers.
Meeting Participation
Quarterly summits open to the public and serve to discuss research, education, resources, and policy issues by networking individuals and organizations dedicated to older adults.
Annual Reports
Fiscal year-end (June 30) summary of activity and collaborative outcomes to inform policy makers and the public.
Common questions about the statute, participation, Commission purpose and framework, end goals, etc.