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Guest Writers Blog

This blog presents the ideas and creative thinking of some of Utah's talented older adult writers. Their submissions are to inform and entertain, not to present policy or opinion positions of the Utah Commission on Aging.  Enjoy. 

Spread the Good Word

Elderly man in thought

No! Not that “Good Word.” This blog post is not about religion. But I am writing it with a sense of missionary zeal for spreading the many compelling topics, helpful strategies and resources I learned about recently while attending the Symposium hosted by Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox, Aging with WISE Purpose: Improving Wealth, Independence, Security and Engagement. I left with a head and a notebook full of ideas for future blogs, but I just couldn’t wait to give you a taste of some of what were the highlights for me.

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Loneliness, A Health Risk of Epidemic Proportion

Elderly man with grandchildren

When my husband, Dennis, was first diagnosed as being in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, I was told to expect that he would gradually have more difficulty planning and initiating a healthy variety of activities, but that it would help his emotional health and mental abilities to interact with other people. Knowing this prompted me to take the initiative when it came to planning things we could do together, and to suggest things he could do on his own or with friends and family.

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Reducing Loneliness

Image courtesy of Justin MacKenzie, 2018

Our relationships are very important for our general health and well-being. Unfortunately, when this need goes unmet there can be serious mental and physical health consequences, including cardiovascular disease, depression, and dementia. In the US, more than a quarter of older adults and nearly half of women over the age of 75 live alone . Social isolation is considered a risk factor for loneliness, the subjective feeling of being alone. People who live with others, especially if the relationships are of poor quality or strained, can also feel lonely, regardless of the frequency of social contact. (Image courtesy of Justin MacKenzie, 2018)

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Last Updated: 11/18/21