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Guest Writers Blog

This blog presents the ideas and creative thinking of some of Utah's talented older adult writers. Their submissions are to inform and entertain, not to present policy or opinion positions of the Utah Commission on Aging.  Enjoy. 

When is it Okay to Say, "I Can't Do this Anymore"?

A elderly woman with a concerned look on her face

Some of us older folks were raised with the idea that it was shameful to turn the care of our aging parents or spouse over to someone else or even to ask for in-home help. Some of us even promise that they will never have to leave their home, a promise that was insisted upon by the same parents who told their children, “I never want to be a burden on my kids.” These two commitments are rarely compatible.

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Loneliness, A Health Risk of Epidemic Proportion

Elderly man with grandchildren

When my husband, Dennis, was first diagnosed as being in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, I was told to expect that he would gradually have more difficulty planning and initiating a healthy variety of activities, but that it would help his emotional health and mental abilities to interact with other people. Knowing this prompted me to take the initiative when it came to planning things we could do together, and to suggest things he could do on his own or with friends and family.

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Aging, Bone Density, & Choices that Might Prevent or Cause Broken Bones

elderly man sitting on a couch with a broken leg

Bone density, an indicator of one’s predisposition to bone fractures, can be measured by a DEXA Scan. I had my latest DEXA scan on 12/11/23. In the first call from my doctor’s nurse, he simply stated that there had been an increase in my bone density since my last test two years ago, so I should keep taking every-6-month Prolia shots. Unlike my usual “do-what-the-doctor-says” self, I replied that I refused to continue the shots and explained my reasons.

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Last Updated: 11/18/21