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Guest Writers Blog

This blog presents the ideas and creative thinking of some of Utah's talented older adult writers. Their submissions are to inform and entertain, not to present policy or opinion positions of the Utah Commission on Aging.  Enjoy. 

In Pursuit of Happiness, Less is More

man holding little girl on shoulders

Speaking for myself, (and possibly some others) this is a tough time of year to be happy. Long dark nights, short cold days, post-holiday blues, impending taxes, another birthday—I could go on.

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Unretirement in 2022 and Other Fresh Ideas

Woman working on a laptom

Our whole lives, we’ve been fed a story. Go to school, get a good job, raise a family — and then when you’re 65, you can retire and do what you want. Take a moment to think about how crazy that sounds. And yet, that’s the script most people live by.

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Christmas Train Wreck.

Child standing in snow looking at holiday train

Christmas is a time for family, tradition, and making memories. This month, I’d like to share a personal story from my past. I hope it will give you a smile and bring to mind some of your priceless memories of Christmas gone by.

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It's time to be grateful-again.

Sign with the word gratitude on it

November is National Gratitude Month, which obviously has a connection to Thanksgiving Day. Regardless, it feels like an appropriate time for this blog, particularly in light of a story I just wrote about a young Navy veteran.

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Last Updated: 11/18/21