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Gardening for the Aging Soul...and the Quail!

quails on the ground

As a teen, I spent hours each summer day planting weeding, picking, irrigating, or helping to can the fruits of the one-half acre garden and orchard that ran behind our house and four others on our dead-end street. For a family of nine children, the garden and orchard provided much-needed food all year long.

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Still Competing After All These Years

Soccer player kicking the ball

I played soccer for the first time during third grade recess in Burlington, VT. My favorite teacher introduced me to the sport (he is still proud of this fact and yes, we are still in touch), and I never looked back. I played through high school on a boys’ team, stopped once I went to university, and began again at the age of 27. I am now 54 and a true “soccer mom,” a mom who plays soccer.

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International Travel "...while I still have my health."

Street Square in Europe

If you’re retired or looking forward to the time when you will be, you’ve probably said there are things you want to do “while I still have my health.” I’ve been retired for almost 12 years, and I’m still saying it. However, I recently learned that “We don’t know what we don’t know” can apply to the degree of physical health and stamina we still have, as well as to our mental abilities, especially when it comes to international travel.

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How to Make the Power of Positive Thinking Work for You

How to Make the Power of Positive Thinking Work for You

There’s no shortage of positive thinking theories out there, but the one that has resonated with me comes from—no surprise—Brian Clark’s newsletter Further. In his July 6 newsletter, he writes “Positive beliefs can spark a placebo effect that helps us succeed. Conversely, negative beliefs and the accompanying thoughts can keep us “in our heads” and away from a state of optimal performance.”

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Keeping Socially Active After the Death of My Husband

Image of a choir

Even before my husband passed away from Alzheimer’s 13 months ago, I vowed that I would be proactive in staying socially active for as long as I was physically and mentally able. I was aware that when a spouse dies, there are usually a plethora of invitations from friends and family members that can rather suddenly drop off after everyone has made at least one effort to get together, express their sympathy and see for themselves “how you are doing.”

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Last Updated: 12/5/23