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Is Technology Out of Control? Or is it in Control?

Smashed Laptop

I spend too much time on my computer. My wife tells me that and she’s right. As a freelance writer, I have to use my computer to get my work done. I choose to do more than half of it in a coffee shop. I don’t like sitting at home, either in my office or at the kitchen table, which is next to a picture window that affords me a view of the entire Salt Lake Valley.

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Creating Moments of Joy Along the Alzheimer's Journey

Creating Moments of Joy by Jolenne Brackey

What better time than now to discover more than 100 ways to bring more joy into your life and the lives of those you love and care for who are in any stage of Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia. I enthusiastically recommend this book whenever I get the chance. This is my chance to recommend it to you.

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When it Comes to Life's Challenges, Innovation Wins out Every Time.

I’m finding that aging with a disability is one tough deal. We all slow down as we age, because we lose neurons in our spinal cord, which according to my physiatrist, is a “normal” part of the aging process. The problem is, I have fewer working neurons to begin with due to my spinal cord injury, so age is hitting me hard.

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The Music is Still There

when words fail music speaks

When the world shut down in March of 2020, for a while live music stopped, too. Those who were in the business of making music for a living no longer had an audience to play for, an orchestra to play in or to conduct, a Broadway Musical or a church to sing in, a concert tour to go on, performers to write music for.

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False Assumptions about Gray Hair, Hearing Aids and Memory

Hearing Aids

I stopped coloring my hair because I was tired of spending the time and the money on doing it, and because I didn’t think I was fooling anyone about my true age. It was a sudden change from one week to the next.

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Last Updated: 12/5/23